Download Qt Designer Python Mac

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PyQt is a set of Python bindings developed for Nokia's Qt application framework. Moreover, the PyQt framework runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. There are two different sets of bindings: PyQt5 supports Qt v5; and the older PyQt4 supports Qt v4. OSX Yosemite 10.10.5 Qt 5.6 QtCreator 3.6.1. QtDesigner is part of my QtCreator. To use QtDesigner: Launch QtCreator, and from the menu bar (outside QtCreator), click on: FileNew File or Project You will be presented with a New File or Project dialog window. In the Files And Classes section, select Qt.In the middle pane, select QtDesigner Form.Then click on the Choose button in the lower. For Qt 5.7.1 you can navigate to officialreleases / qt 5.7 / 5.7.1 and then download qt-opensource-mac-x64-clang-5.7.1.dmg. It is a reasonably large (1.2 GB) download. Once it has downloaded, open the dmg file: From the Qt Installer, follow the wizard screens in the same fashion as on Windows and Linux. Here were the screens I stepped through.


Official documentation

Download Qt Designer Python Macros

Refer to the official docs to get started on macOS.


Development happens in the 5.15 and dev branches of the pyside-setup repository. The top level repository has the following submodules:

  • sources/pyside2-tools: pyside2-lupdate
  1. Qt Designer produces.ui files. This is a special XML-based format that stores your widgets as a tree. You can either load these files at runtime, or have them translated to a programming language such as C or Python. Qt Designer normally ships as a part of Qt Creator. This is Qt's official editor and lets you do a.
  2. SIP v6 is required to build the snapshot. To build the sip module for PyQt6, run: sip-module -project PyQt6.sip PyQt6 introduces the following incompatibilities over PyQt5: The Qt module has been removed.; QtWidgets.qApp has been removed.; The QtCore.PYQTCONFIGURATION dict has been removed.; pyrcc has been removed.; All enums are now implemented as enum.Enum (PyQt5 used enum.IntEnum for.
  3. Does your Python program need a graphical user interface? Here are five tools to help you build.

Contributions follow the standard process.

It is helpful to have debug binaries and/or symbols for Python available. On macOS you will need to build the Python interpreter with debug symbols by hand. It is also recommended to use a Virtual Environment for testing to be able to always start from a clean base and avoid issues with write permissions in installations. On macOS, the command

creates a Virtual Environment named testenv for debugging purposes. Before building the first time, the module Sphinx should be installed into the virtual environment:

Retrieved from ''

This tutorial requires Qt Creator to be installed — you can download it free from the Qt website. Go to and download the Qt package. You can opt to install only Creator during the installation.

Open up Qt Creator and you will be presented with the main window. The designer is available via the tab on the left hand side. However, to activate this you first need to start creating a .ui file.

To create a .ui file go to File -> New File or Project.. In the window that appears select Qt under Files and Classes on the left, then select Qt Designer Form on the right. You'll notice the icon has 'ui' on it, showing the type of file you're creating.

In the next step you'll be asked what type of widget you want to create. If you are starting an application then Main Window is the right choice. However, you can also create .ui files for dialog boxes, forms and custom compound widgets.

Next choose a filename and save folder for your file. Save your .ui file with the same name as the class you'll be creating, just to make make subsequent commands simpler.

Finally, you can choose to add the file to your version control system if you're using one. Feel free to skip this step — it doesn't affect your UI.

Qt Designer And Python

Laying out your Main Window

You'll be presented with your newly created main window in the UI designer. There isn't much to see to begin with, just a grey working area representing the window, together with the beginnings of a window menu bar.

You can resize the window by clicking the window and dragging the blue handles on each corner.

The first step in building an application is to add some widgets to your window. In our first applications we learnt that to set the central widget for a QMainWindow we need to use .setCentralWidget(). We also saw that to add multiple widgets with a layout, we need an intermediary QWidget to apply the layout to, rather than adding the layout to the window directly.

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Qt Creator takes care of this for you automatically, although it's not particularly obvious about it.

To add multiple widgets to the main window with a layout, first drag your widgets onto the QMainWindow. Here we're dragging 3 labels. It doesn't matter where you drop them.

We've created 2 widgets by dragging them onto the window, made them children of that window. We can now apply a layout.

Find the QMainWindow in the right hand panel (it should be right at the top). Underneath you see centralwidget representing the window's central widget. The icon for the central widget show the current layout applied. Initially it has a red circle-cross through it, showing that there is no layout active.

Right click on the QMainWindow object, and find 'Layout' in the resulting dropdown.

Next you'll see a list of layouts which you can apply to the window. Select Lay Out Horizontally and the layout will be applied to the widget.

The selected layout is applied to the the centralwidget of the QMainWindow and the widgets are added the layout, being laid out depending on the selected layout. Note that in Qt Creator you can actually drag and re-order the widgets within the layout, or select a different layout, as you like. This makes it especially nice to prototyping and trying out things.

Using your generated .ui file

We've created a very simple UI. The next step is to get this into Python and use it to construct a working application.

First save your .ui file — by default it will save at the location you chosen while creating it, although you can choose another location if you like.

The .ui file is in XML format. To use our UI from Python we have two alternative methods available —

  1. load into into a class using the .loadUI() method
  2. convert it to Python using the pyuic5 tool.

These two approaches are covered below. Personally I prefer to convert the UI to a Python file to keep things similar from a programming & packaging point of view.

Loading the .ui file directly

To load .ui files we can use the uic module included with PyQt5, specifically the uic.loadUI()method. This takes the filename of a UI file and loads it creating a fully-functional PyQt5 object.

For PySide2 you can use a QUiLoader instance and call the loader.load() method to accomplish the same thing.

  • PyQt5
  • PySide2

As the uid.loadUI() method turns an instance object you cannot attach custom __init__() code. You can however handle this through a custom setup function

To load a UI from the __init__ block of an existing widget (e.g. a QMainWindow) you can use uic.loadUI(filename, self)/parallels-2x-rdp-mac-download.html. for PyQt5.

The PySide2 loader does not support this approach — the second parameter is for the parent widget of the widget you're creating. This prevents you adding custom code to the initialization of the widget, but you can work around this with a separate init function.

Converting your .ui file to Python

To generate a Python output file run pyuic5 from the command line, passing the .ui file and the target file for output, with a -o parameter. The following will generate a Python file named which contains our created UI.


If you're using PyQt4 the tool is named `pyuic4`, but is otherwise completely identical.

You can open the resulting file in an editor to take a look, although you should not edit this file. The power of using Qt Creator is being able to edit, tweak and update your application while you develop. Any changes made to this file will be lost when you update it. However, you can override and tweak anything you like when you import and use the file in your applications.

Importing the resulting Python file works as for any other. You can import your class as follows. The pyuic5 tool appends Ui_ to the name of the object defined in Qt Creator, and it is this object you want to import.

To create the main window in your application, create a class as normal but subclassing from both QMainWindow and your imported Ui_MainWindow class. Finally, call self.setupUi(self) from within the __init__ to trigger the setup of the interface.


This produces exactly the same result as before. Max payne mac download torrent.

That's it. Your window is now fully set up. Since the use of a .ui file abstracts out the UI-specific code, you can use this same pattern to load any interface you design.

Adding application logic

You can interact with widgets created through Qt Creator just as you would those created with code. To make things simpler uic adds all child widgets to the window object by their id name as specified in Qt Creator. We'll cover how to work with these in the next part.